Under Deep Cover!:

Several days past since Chapter Four and our heroine is still in the Yoshitsune residence, being of help with the cooking and housework. While relaxing together with everyone after having tea and lunch, Yoshitsune brings up some serious business about the Heishi. It appears that the Heishi are planning something. Enya suggests to him that he'll sneak into the Heishi residence to find out what it is they are planning but Yoshitsune declines his offer. Instead, he wants Enya to feel out the situation of Yoshinaka Kiso, Yoshitsune's cousin that that attacked Kyoto ahead of Yoshitsune. Yoshinaka is apparently taking credit for corning the Heishi and wants Enya to seek out the intend of his high-handed behavior. Since Enya will be busy gathering information on Yoshinaka, Hyuga offers himself the job of sneaking into the Heishi residence. The others warn Hyuga of the heavily guarded residence, the formidable general Noritsune Taira and the cowardly but cunning chief general, Munemori Taira. Despite their concerns, Hyuga insists he'll get it done. He gets Yoshitsune's permission heads off to our heroine who has been doing the laundry. He tells her of his plan to have her sneak into the Heishi residence first by disguising herself as a court lady. Apparently no one knows

what his plans as it seems the others would protest against it because Hyuga silences our heroine when she exclaims loudly in surprise. She is ordered by him to use a smoke bomb to create a fire and cause confusion once inside. In the commotion only then will Hyuga sneak into the residence. Because she wants to be of use she concedes. That night she has a dream of what she feels to be connected to her past. In her dream she is screaming for her mother and father. And in the next moment, her mansion is engulfed into flames. The dream is cut short as she wakes up with a throbbing headache.It hurts so much that she has difficulty responding to a concern Hyuga when he asks her if she finally got her memories back. She replies with a no and he informs her that everything is alright. Her memories probably won't be returning anytime soon. He relieves the pain in her head by reaching out to her and massaging it. But now it's her turn. She has to massage his shoulders. Hyuga smiles and tells her that from now on he'll have her massage him every night. She goes back to sleep again and the day for sneaking into the residence arrives. Our heroine is able to successfully carry out Hyuga's orders and he pops he head out from the ceiling. He pulls her up with him
Right = Noritsune Taira |
onto the dusty loft and they begin crawling towards Munemori's room. The both of them listen in on Munemori and Noritsune talking. They find out that Noritsune had a secret meeting with Yoshinaka Kiso. They're enticing Yoshinaka who has the ambition of becoming the head of the Minamoto Clan, the defeat of Yoshitsune. While they discuss this, up in the ceiling our heroine needs to cough from all the dust. Seeing this Hyuga covers her mouth. But Noritsune hears them and stabs at the ceiling with his katana. The ceiling breaks and our heroine with Hyuga fall. While Noritsune protects Munemori from Hyga's attack, Munemori stares wide eyed at our heroine in surprise at her being alive. According to him, she's supposed to be killed along with her parents. Seeing an opportunity, Hyuga seizes her arm and they escape into the mountains. Hyuga holds a still shocked heroine and lets her bury her face into his chest to cry openly in front of him for the first time. After she's finished crying she looks at home and thinks to herself that she's honestly glad that Hyuga's with her. When they return to Yoshitsune's residence, Hyuga fills him in on what happened while they snuck in. Yoshisune tells her to think of his residence as her home. There's also a possibility of her being in danger of the Heishi Clan coming after her to finish the job of killing her. Hyuga is instructed by Yoshitsune to protect

her with his life. The following day as our heroine is watering the plants, Kazemasa approaches her to apologize for all the terrible things he has said to her. He reveals that others see him as being heartless and that he's the heir to the throne of the Village of the Wind so he was brought up as profit to be top priority. He wonders out loud about why he's even telling her this to which she points out to him that he's shy. He blushes in embarrassment and randomly asks her if she likes flowers. When she says yes he tells her that he'll have a messenger bring her flowers that bloom from his village. Enya inserts himself into the conversation mentioning that's why Kazemasa is bad with women. Enya tells him that in order to seduce a woman successfully, he has to be full of surprises. Kazemasa strongly denies trying to seduce our heroine and storms off. Enya said that on purpose to be alone with her. He picks her up and carries her on his shoulder with the intent of bringing her to bed with him.
Choices I picked:
1.) Because I was really frightened...
2.) You're shy!
(°ロ°)☝Just so you know, I'm aiming for the Lovey Dovey Ending with my choices.
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