
Friday, November 21, 2014

New Game-ish ~ November

Okay, so this isn’t an otome game but it has pretty hot 2D men you can  collect and stare at up close so I thought I’d share.

It’s called : Forbidden Love: Ikemen Collection

This game is by 3D Publisher, the same people who make the payable Forbidden Love mobile otome games such as, Office lovers, The Men of Yoshiwara, Pub Encounter, and The Amazing Shinsengumi: Heroes in Love.

Unlike those games, however, this one is free (unless you wanna use your money to buy ingame stuff). And not an otome game, just so we’re clear. Instead of reading story routes and getting Cgs that way, you get to collect CGs / pictures by playing a crane game.

All you have to do is control the UFO by pressing the up and then left button provided on the bottom of the screen when you play. I’ve only recently downloaded it and just skimmed through text but from what I understand, each play/turn on the crane uses up an energy point and if you don’t have energy it uses up a coin. I’m not sure if they refill your energy each day because I’ve only downloaded it a couple of hours ago but I do know that you’ll gain more energy or coin after finishing each stage. I’ll figure out the whole “Do they refill?” in a day or so and update about it later . (Energy refills after a certain amount of time. Note that energy refills at a faster rate while playing the game than having the app closed. Like, hours faster xD)

Anywho, I downloaded it and had fun with it. The pictures look crisp with vivid colors. (This picture isn't super colorful but yeahhh just trust me x) )

If you do like to stare at pretty / hot looking 2D men then this is the app for you! I’m not the type to stare at pictures of hot men or hang up posters on my bedroom walls but I do love collecting stuff! Especially if they’re free and easy stuff to collect (ex: I collect business cards from restaurants xD).

So yeah, download it for something to play on quick breaks or whenever. I think it’s worth a try =]

There are a total of 64 pictures you can collect so. ~ have fun! :)

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