
Sunday, June 21, 2015

[Recap] Metro PD: Close to You ~ Ryohei Kimura Main Story Episode 15

***Note: This chapter is available to read after buying the main story in the play store (android) or app store (ios). Main story is $3.99 unless on sale (usually $2.99)***

File 15 Recap

Episode 15 is the final chapter. It starts off the same way for both the Happy and Normal Endings.

Episode 15 (for both endings) begins with Yukiko entering the 2nd Unit office one morning to find a pile of candies, cakes, and flowers on her desk. Asano informs her that they're gifts from the idiot trio as a way to apologize to her for treating her so badly during the case. She turns around to find the idiot trio peeking from the doorway.
They apologize to her in person and she forgives them, too happy about the killer being caught and being given food to care about how she was treated.

Scene change!
She's in the hallway talking to Kimura. The case is finally over and he invites her to eat lunch with him, his treat. Of course, she accepts his offer.

Scene change!
They're eating at a restaurant. Kimura tells her that he plans to see Yuichi the next day to finally tell him what actually happened that day, 10 years ago. He wants to finally make piece with him. She can't believe what she's hearing at first but she's happy and roots for him.

Scene change!
It's the next day and it's raining. Yukiko continues to wish Kimura and Yuichi the best.

Scene change!
Yukiko finishes work and heads home, wondering if Kimura is looking up at the stars. She laughs at herself for connecting everything to Kimura when she really does spot him looking up at the sky. He was waiting for her. He wanted to tell her about his meeting with Yuichi. It went really well. Yuichi understood everything, about Fuka trying to protect him, why he (Kimura) never told him, and that it wasn't his fault.
Kimura also tells her that he wasn't looking at the sky, he was looking at the window to 2nd Unit because he wanted to see her. She blushes at his words and allows him to walk her home.

Scene change!
They're on the way to her apartment. As they walk Yukiko asks Kimura more about Yuichi/Kuromine (Kimura calls him 'Yuichi' but Yukiko calls him 'Kuromine). Kimura tells her that Yuichi was shocked but glad to hear the truth.
Kimura finally realizes that he wasn't just holding himself back, but he was holding back Yuichi, too.


(still walking to her apartment)
 Yukiko tells Kimura to continue supporting Yuichi. He nods that he will and he thanks her. He wouldn't have been able to confront him without her.

Scene change!
They take a detour to a park and sit and on bench. Kimura breaks the silence and tells her to forget everything he said about how she should not to get any closer to him. Little by little, he's going to stop keeping his distance from people. He wants to start over with her.
He tells her that he felt that she could be special to him so he had tried to prevent himself from falling in love with her. But now, he's not going to stop himself from feeling. He cutely asks her permission to get to know her better. She smiles at the idea and confesses that she wants to get to get closer to him too.
Because they're starting over they try to become friends first and they start asking each other questions. Like, what is the other person's hobbies and special skills.


(still walking to her apartment)
They bring up the topic of Ishikawa and Tomabechi (the guys from early episodes that pretty much have the same problem Kimura and Yuichi had). Kimura had Yukiko to help him but he wonders if Ishikawa has someone. Both of them don't know but they hope that the two would be able to reconcile some day.

Scene change!
They make it to her apartment. It starts to rain so Kimura quickly turns to leave. However, Yukiko invites Kimura into her apartment to get out of the rain.

Scene change!
They're in front of her apartment door when Kimura takes off his glasses. He tells her to forgot everything he said about how she should not get any closer to him. He confesses that he cares about her and when she doesn't believe him he states again that he does. He tried to pretend that he didn't' but it was impossible because he cares about her.
After professing his love he asks her to get closer to him and stay with him forever. Yukiko can't find her words so she starts nodding furiously and they embrace. Their embrace is cut short when they pull away from each other after hearing voices in the stairwell. Embarrassed, Yukiko finally invites Kimura inside.

Scene change!
They've made it into her apartment and Yukiko hands Kimura a cup of coffee.
Kimura tells her that he can't trust himself to "step on the breaks." He looks back at her and calls her by her first name for the first time. He wants to start calling her by her first name and he wants her to start calling him by his first name.
Kimura runs his fingers through her hair but stops himself to fish out a cheese souffle from his bag. He had tried to buy her some 'cute earrings' she had mentioned earlier but he didn't know where to buy them or what the earrings looked like. So, he got her the cheese souffle. She doesn't care. She's so happy about his gift that thanks him, forgetting to call him by his first name. He catches that and makes her repeat herself. They start laughing at how Yukiko is so embarrassed when she realizes that Kimura hasn't been wearing his glasses. He admits to her that they're fake glasses so he wouldn't be recognized. Yukiko is like, "Ohhhh," until she remembers that Kimura saw her in a bra when they were on Kasuga Island.
She calls him a meanie and Kimura is like, "well, derrr I've been saying that the whole time." Anywho, they laugh, hug, and kiss.The End.

[insert mail I forgot to screenshot]

End of Episode 15

Finally recapped this episode after a long gap of not recapping. Sorry D: I don't really have an excuse for that.
I thought both of the endings were great. I thought the whole starting over as friends in the Normal Ending made sense and that it was cute. I don't mind Yukiko being friendzoned for the time being because they're so into each other that it won't take long for them to start dating. The Happy Ending was also cute. The ending of the ending (xD) showed some of Kimura's 'meanie' side that you'll be able to see in his other stories if you choose to buy them.
I found Kimura's main story to be extremely well written and completely satisfying. He's not Mr. Romantic or some big hero so I didn't immediately swoon for him. Instead, he likes to quietly help people from the shadows. And I fell so hard for him. (The dude's CG is my tablet's wallpaper xD )
I've also played Kirisawa's, Hanai's, Tennoji's, and Eiki's main stories and while they're awesome as well, Kimura is by far my favorite. 

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